I recently had the pleasure of shooting Joe & Michaela's wedding that has been 17+ years in the making. It had been raining in Chicago for over a week prior to the wedding date and I had been hoping and praying that it wouldn't rain that Saturday. The day arrived and of course it was raining. When we left out for our destination, the outlook was good, no rain. As we drove down Michigan Ave, it started pouring. We just knew that this was going to be a disaster. I mean, what bride wants to get married in the rain. It may be romantic when seen on TV, but this bride did not want to be a wet bride. Low and behold, as we pulled up to the location the rain all about ceased...YAY! It was a humid and a little wet, but the wedding went on as planned. Below are a few pics of the beautiful bride and handsome groom. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Hay Im so happy for them and you really take awsome pictures.....She was a beautiful bride and she deserved for this day to finally happen!!! I have been telling Joe for a long time he should marry her...But I guess the time is now! And the right time!!! I Love you both,and was so glad I could help @ last minute Love you both Audrey..........
Hay Im so happy for them and you really take awsome pictures.....She was a beautiful bride and she deserved for this day to finally happen!!! I have been telling Joe for a long time he should marry her...But I guess the time is now! And the right time!!! I Love you both,and was so glad I could help @ last minute Love you both Audrey..........